Health / Nursing


Jennifer Harper

School RN

(559)757-3131 EXT: 2814


Yanet Ledesma


(559)757-3018 EXT: 1105

Health Aide

Alondra Mejia

Health Aide

(559)757-3131 EXT: 2813

KINDER/TK REGISTRATION - Important information

Kinder registration is will be held on 4/16/2024 and here is some important information the health office needs you know.

  • Make sure that your students immunization records are all up to date. All incoming TK, kinder, and new enrollees need to have all of their immunization and a TB with date given and date read. Immunizations Needed:

    • Polio #1 #2 #3 #4

    • DTaP (Tdap/Td if 7 years or older) #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

    • MMR #1 #2

    • Hepatitis B #1 #2 #3

    • Varicella (chickenpox) #1 #2

    • Tdap (for 7th-12th grade) #1

    • TB test Given date & Read date

  • If your child has had PHYSICAL recently or has an ORAL ASSESSMENT done please bring a copy.

  • If your student has a medical condition (cardiac, seizures, diabetes, asthma, food allergy, etc.) make sure to bring a copy of medical record.

  • If your student will need to take any medication at school, makes sure to provide a MEDICATION IN SCHOOL FORM.

  • If your student will need special meal accommodations, makes sure to provide a SPECIAL MEALS FORM.

If you have any questions or would like a physical copy of these forms, feel free to contact Healthy Start .

La inscripción para el Kinder/TK se llevará a cabo el 16/04/2024 y hay información importante que la enfermeria necesita que sepa.

  • Asegúrese de que los registros de vacunación de su estudiante estén actualizados. Todos los nuevos estudiantes y los del TK, Kinder tienen que tener todas sus vacunas y un examen de la tuberculosis con la fecha cuando se la administrado y cuando se la revisaron.

    Las Vacunas necesarias:

    • Polio #1 #2 #3 #4 DTaP

    • (Tdap/Td si tiene 7 años o más) #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

    • MMR #1 #2

    • Hepatitis B #1 #2 #3

    • Varicela (varicela) #1 #2

    • Tdap (para grados 7.º a 12.º)


    • Prueba de tuberculosis con fecha de administacion y fecha de revision

  • Si su estudiante ha tenido una EVALUACIÓN FÍSICA recientemente o si le an realizado una EVALUACIÓN BOCAL, traiga una copia con usted.

  • Si su estudiante tiene una condición médica (cardíaca, convulsiones, diabetes, asma, alergia , etc.), asegúrese de traer una copia del registro médico.

  • Si su estudiante necesitará tomar algún medicamento durante el horario escolar, asegúrese de traernos un FORMULARIO DE MEDICACIÓN EN LA ESCUELA.

  • Si su estudiante necesitará adaptaciones especiales para las comidas, asegúrese de traernos un FORMULARIO DE COMIDAS ESPECIALES.

    Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea una copia física de estos formularios, no dude en comunicarse con Healthy Start.

"There is something so special in the early leaves drifting from the trees- as if we are all to be allowed a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again."

-Ruth Ahmed


In-School Screenings and Examinations

apple with nurse hat

  • TK/Kindergarten - Physical, Oral Assessment, Vision, and Hearing Link to waiver

  • 1st Grade - Physical if student was not attending Kindergarten Link to waiver

  • 2nd Grade - Vision and Hearing

  • 5th Grade - Vision and Hearing

  • 8th Grade - Hearing

  • As Needed - head lice

First Aid & Illness Care

  • First aid services are available at each school site in the event of an accident, medical emergency or if a child becomes ill while at school.  The RN, LVN, and HA are all trained in first aid and CPR. The individual delivering care will vary depending on the schedule of the school health clinic.

HEALTHY STUDENTS - Ready to Learn Each Day!

When to Keep Your Child Home From School

These are some reasons that students should not attend school.  A student may be kept home or sent home for the following reasons as well as other health related issues determined by school health services staff. 

  • FEVER:  A student should be kept/sent home for a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher.  A student must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication in order to return to school

  • VOMITING OR DIARRHEA:  A student should be kept/sent home from school when present.  The student may return to school when symptom free for 24 hours (no vomiting or diarrhea)

  • RASHES:  A student should be kept/sent home if a rash of unknown origin is present.  The student may return once seen by a medical provider, cleared for return and prescribed treatment has been started.  A doctor’s note may be required.

  • SKIN INFECTIONS (MRSA): A student should be kept/sent home for open or excessively draining sores/boils, especially when they cannot be covered.  The student may return once seen by a medical provider, cleared for return, and prescribed treatment has been started. A doctor’s note may be required.

  • PEDICULOSIS (HEAD LICE):  A student should be kept home if live lice (bugs) are found.  The student will be able to return once appropriate treatment has been received.  The student must report to school health services staff for a head check prior to returning to class.  24 hours is considered enough time to treat head lice.

  • SORE THROAT: A student should be kept/sent home for persistent sore throat and see a medical provider if worsening, no improvement or accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, pain with swallowing, etc.  If diagnosed with strep throat, a student may return when fever free and on antibiotic for at least 24 hours.

Parents who keep their children home from school regularly may have issues with attendance laws.  Absences should be kept to a minimum to comply with the law and help children succeed in school.  If your child has chronic health issues, please arrange to meet with the school administrator to discuss their specific situation and possible home/hospital services to make sure they have continuous educational support.

Communicate Student Needs With Us!

Communicate Health Needs with School

  • It is important that parents update the school regularly about any specific health needs or conditions for their child.

  • Health records are maintained on every student.  These records are confidential and are maintained throughout the student’s school attendance.  These records include information on immunizations, health screening results, health problems reported to school, health problems experienced while at school, health related documents submitted to school and any other health related information.

  • Please remember to always complete a new emergency information form and submit the appropriate health information for your child at the start of EVERY school year!

Health Care Plans

Some children require special healthcare services during the school day.  A school health plan can be developed to meet the individual health needs of a student with special health concerns.  If your child has a severe allergy, asthma, diabetes, seizures, or another chronic or concerning health condition which may require special attention and care, please contact the School Nurse so that a health assessment can be done.  A health plan will be created in attempt to best meet the needs of your child during the school day. The healthcare plan will be created in conjunction with the child’s medical providers, parents/guardians, the child, and pertinent school staff.

IMPORTANT: Medications At School

medicine bottle

 Medication Policy

A medication authorization form is necessary for ALL medications needed while at school.  ALL medications require a physician’s order and parent signature on file with the school health staff.  If a student must carry their medication on their person, the doctor must specify that.  Staff is available to store and administer medication per doctor's orders at school.


Pixley Union School District is still offering TAKE HOME COVID test upon request for all students. Please make sure to contact Middle School Nurse's Office or Healthy Start.


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