Pixley Union School District Annual Christmas Celebration. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Thanksgiving Break
No Early Release on Wednesday, November 16th
Thanksgiving Community Dinner
Now that we are entering the Winter season with that comes fog. Please read the following foggy day schedule š«
Veterans Day- No School, Friday November 11th
Important Reminder: ā ļø Tomorrow, Wednesday November 9th Elementary ONLY has Early Release at 1:20 for Parent Teacher Conferences. Middle School is a regular day. There is no school on Friday in observance of Veterans Day.
CHOICES TUPE Newsletter Please Read - Mission Statement
The CHOICES TUPE program helps students understand the consequences of unhealthy decisions such as choosing to use tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
Day of the Dead event at Pixley Middle School starting soon! 5pm to 7pm
Join us! AcompaƱanos!
Tacos, churros and tamales for sale and other free fun activities and snacks!
Reminder: Trunk O' Treat tonight in front of Pixley Middle School 6-8pm
Good Evening Jaguar Parents,
If you were not able to attend the Catalina Island Trip meeting, your student still has the opportunity to participate. You are more than welcome to call the Pixley Middle School office to set up an appointment with Mr. Kuhn so he can review all the information with you. Please provide a filled out permission slip with the deposit; Please note that money will not be received without a permission slip. If you have any questions feel free to contact Pixley Middle School Office.
Annual Pixley Union School Distrcit Harvest Carnival is back! Tonight at 5:30PM to 7:30PM at Pixley Elementary School. You don't want to miss it!
*Some booths take tickets & some take money. Look for the ticket picture or money picture on the front of the booth.
Join us!
Reminder: Every Wednesday is early release unless its a week of a holiday.
Elementary gets out at 1:20pm
Middle gets out at 1:30pm
Pixley Union School District's Annual Harvest Carnival Friday, October 28th 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Pixley Elementary School 300 N. School Street
Board Meeting tonight at 6:30PM.
Located at Pixley Middle School library.
Good Evening Parents,
This is Pixley Union School District reminding you that tomorrow, Wednesday August 24th is Early Release. Elementary gets out at 1:20 p.m. and Middle Schools gets out at 1:30 p.m. Thank You
Good Evening Parents,
This is Pixley Union School District reminding you that Meet n Greet is tomorrow, Thursday, August 11th from 2:00-4:00 p.m. The First Day of School is Monday, August 15th
Good Evening Parents,
This is Pixley Union School District reminding you that Meet n Greet is tomorrow, Thursday, August 11th from 2:00-4:00 p.m. The First Day of School is Monday, August 15th. Please see the attached flyers for more information. Thank You!
Meet and Greet English: https://5il.co/1gx1h
Meet and Greet Spanish: https://5il.co/1gx1i